
Bahareh Kamali

Scientist and lecturer

D-USYS in ETH Zürich and INRES in University of Bonn


Understanding processes governing land ecosystems and their capacity to deliver multiple ecosystem services requires broad research disciplines. In my work, I explore the interaction between plant, soil, and water dynamics in different ecosystems including managed grasslands and cropping systems.

Two research areas are my main focus. First is plant growth dynamics including ecosystem biodiversity and the connection between plant below/above-ground components with soil and water dynamics. Second is the response of system to climate change and climatic extremes (e.g. drought, heat stress, and flooding) and their implication for greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O, and CH4).

My research covers different spatial and temporal scales and benefits from observational and experimental knowledge as well as process-based modeling, and remote sensing technology. I endorse developing innovative methods based on assimilating real-time remote-sensing data into agroecosystem models for upscaling from field to landscape, climate change impact assessment, and finding strategies for sustainable operations of ecosystems.

Research interests:

  • Understanding plants (grassland and crop) functionality and their connection to soil and water
  • Impact of climate change and climatic extremes on ecosystem biodiversity
  • Solutions for sustainable production and reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Agroecosystem modeling with focus on plant-soil-water relations at multiple scale
  • Assimilation of remote sensing data into process-based models for sustainable management of ecosystems



PhD in Environmental Systems Sciences

ETH Zürich and Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology

Dec 2013 – Dec 2017
Title of thesis: Application of a spatially explicit biophysical crop model to assess drought impacts on crop yield and crop-drought vulnerability in sub-Saharan Africa

Master of Science in Water Resource Planning and Management

Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

Apr 2010 – Sep 2010
Title of thesis: Automatic calibration of hydrologic event-based model using PSO meta-heuristic algorithm

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering

Urmia University, Faculty of Engineering, Urmia, Iran

Apr 2006 – Sep 2007

Professional experience


Lecturer and scientist [Akademischerrätin and Wissenschaftlerin]

Institute of Crop Science and Resource Conservation, University of Bonn, Germany

Apr 2021 – Present

  • Teaching MSc and BSc courses (see section of teaching)
  • Supervision of PhD/MSc/BSc thesis (see section of supervision)
  • Writing scientific papers
  • Writing research grant proposals
  • Conducting and leading research projects with focus on:
    1. Understanding grassland ecosystems
    2. Development/application of processes governing complex ecosystems in agroecosystem models
    3. Climate change impact assessment for sustainable production in different ecosystems
    4. Developing methods for calibration, assimilating remote sensing data into agroecosystem models

Post-doctoral researcher

Leibniz Hannover University, Hannover, Germany

Jan 2021 – Mar 2021
Title of project: Improving the agro-hydrological simulation of irrigation in catchments under extreme climatic conditions by using ensemble

Post-doctoral researcher

Leibniz Center for Agriculture Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany

Jan 2018 – Dec 2020

Title of project: SattGrün - Satellite-based information for grassland management

Funded by: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)


  • Conducting and leading research projects with focus on
    1. Development and application of agroecosystem models in Germany, Africa, Spain
    2. Developing methods for calibration of agroecosystem models and uncertainty analysis
    3. Climate change impact assessment under rainfed and irrigated systems
    4. Development of methods for assimilating satellite-driven variables into crop models
  • Co-supervision of PhD/master students
  • Writing research grant proposals

PhD candidate

Eawag, Duebendorf, Switzerland

Nov 2012 – Jan 2018

Title of project: Application of a bio-physical crop model to assess crop-drought vulnerability in Sub-Saharan Africa under present and future climate

Funded by: Swiss National Foundation (SNF) under project number: CR21I3_146430. Dec.2013-Nov.2016


  • Applying EPIC+ crop model to simulate the impact of droughts on crop yields in a historical context with specification of duration and types of droughts concerning different stages of crop growth at the grid cell level
  • Assessing the crop-drought vulnerability by incorporating the magnitude of crop yield loss, relative production failure, as well as the frequency of the drought events in each geographical unit (mostly at the country level)
  • Investigating the socio-economic factors influencing the crop-drought vulnerability and mapping out the hot spots of high vulnerability to droughts in SSA.


Amirkabir University of Technology

Nov 2010 – Feb 2012 Tehran-Iran


  • Collaborating on project about optimizing the operation of Ekbatan dam for sediment flushing
  • Teaching assisstant

Funded by: Water Research Institute and Amirkabir University of Technology


  • Linking PSO algorithm with a numberial model developed to simulates sediments in reservoir
  • Optimizing the flushing time considering reservoir sediment load

Project manager and team leader

TARH O SAZE CASPIAN: Building & Infrastructure Engineering Company, Tehran, Iran

May 2010 – Oct 2012

  • Designing urban storm water collection
  • Hydrologic analysis of flooding events in urban systems
  • Modeling and visualization of urban storm water collection using AutoCAD


Civilmarmar Building & Infrastructure Engineering Company, Urmia-Iran

May 2007 – Sep 2007

  • Designing services and advices for rehabilitation, renovation and construction of roads and higway projects
  • Modeling and visualization of roads and highways using AutoCAD
  • Quantity surveying and estimating of project costs



Ecological conditions and climate change

University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Jul 2021 – Present


  • Co-lecturer


  • Climate change causes and patterns

GIS-basic concepts and applications

University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Jul 2021 – Present


  • Main lecturer


  • GIS Basics and data types
  • Projections and classifications
  • Databases for weather and climate information
  • Spatial databases for land use/cover and soils and administrative information
  • GIS & R

Crop and ecosystem analysis and modelling

University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany

Apr 2021 – Present

  • Co-lecturer

SPACE-Water: Hydrological modeling with SWAT

University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Mar 2017 – Mar 2017


  • Invited lecturer


  • Concepts related to calibration, validation
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Practical exercise on these concepts using SWAT
  • Practical exercise on SWAT-CUP.


Qazvin islamic azad university, Qazvin, Iran

Apr 2011 – Sep 2012
  • Two credit Points bachelor program


  • Main lecturer

Fluid mechanic

Qazvin islamic azad university, Qazvin, Iran

Apr 2011 – Sep 2012
  • Three credit Points bachelor program


  • Main lecturer

Hydraulic and hydrostructures

Qazvin islamic azad university, Qazvin, Iran

Apr 2011 – Sep 2012
  • Three credit Points bachelor program


  • Main lecturer


Amirkabir university of technology, Tehran, Iran

Apr 2010 – Sep 2012
  • Two credit points bachelor program


  • Teaching assistant

Advanced hydrology

Amirkabir university of technology,Tehran, Iran

Apr 2010 – Sep 2012
  • Two credit Points bachelor program


  • Main lecturer

Peer-review Journals

Conference presentations

Wet grassland biomass yield prediction considering species composition dynamic

Every grassland has considerable annual vegetation composition dynamics, especially in sites with shallow water levels (Toogood & …

Assimilation of remote sensing data into agro-ecosystem model for a real-time prediction of grassland productivity

Grassland management in intensive agriculture environments is increasingly constrained by environmental regulations, aiming for more …

Spatio-temporal dynamic of crop drought vulnerability in Sub-Saharan Africa

We explored the diverse statistical approaches used to decompose crop model uncertainty

Future of permanent grasslands in Germany, implications for grassland management

Cropping systems models have become an essential tool to simulate crop growth, development and yield at different scales to produce …

Assessment of bio-physical drought hazards. A case study of Karkheh River basin in Iran

Iran has been affected by frequent droughts. Climate change is expected to intensify the situation in the future. Extreme drought …

Drought vulnerability assessment of wheat and barley production under climate change-A case study of Karkheh River Basin in Iran

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is far from becoming self-sufficiency in cereal production. The recurrence of droughts in the past decades has …

The Impact of climate data uncertainty on calibration of the SWAT model

Meta-modeling for calibration of HEC-HMS rainfall-runoff

Application of rainfall temporal distribution on HEC-HMS and SWMM model

We explored the implications of using coarse resolution input data on model outputs



Level: Professional

I have been using SWAT and SWAT-CUP since 2012 when I started the EPP fellowship program in eawag, switzerland. I …


Level: Professional

I have been using EPIC since 2013 mainly to simulate cereal crops in Sub-Saharan Africa. Due to my previous …


Level: Professional

I have been using MONICA since 2018 for simulating crops and grasslands for different projects. In 2019, together …


Level= Good

I have been using Lintul5 since I have been involved in the DAAD exchange program with University of Tasmania (UTAS). In …


Level: Professional

I have applied HEC-HMS to simulate flood events in the Tamar Basin of Iran. The project was conducted during my Msc …


Level: Good to very good

Since 2014, I have been frequently programming in Python. I first used it to develop my EPIC+ interface which …


Level: Good to very good

I started programming in MATLAB in 2008 for developing optimization algorithms for calibration of hydrological …


  • +49 (0)228 73 3258
  • Katzenburgweg 5, Bonn, 53115
  • Enter building, first floor, room 0.010
  • Monday to Friday 08:30 to 17:30